Abandoned Schools
Abandoned schools are among my favourite types of derelict sites to explore and photograph on a lazy Sunday. They’re often situated in peaceful, quiet spots and security isn’t normally an issue. And schools being schools, they are usually extremely colourful on the inside which is a nice difference to the monotone colours of say an abandoned hospital or aged care facility (excluding St. Brigid’s Hospital which has vibrant pink and green walls and corridors).
Schools are also usually large in size so you can expect to spend a couple of hours wandering around these vast abandoned buildings.

Abandoned Greenacre Riding School in Perth, WA
The Greenacre Riding School was built in the 1950s and was known by all who loved horses in Western Australia. Its owner, Vic Ferreira, was well-known and much-loved, which can be seen by his numerous awards for community involvement and achievement. Over a period of 30 years, hundreds of Australians and newcomers fell in love with Greenacre and formed strong relationships within the equine community. The ending for the Riding School came in 2008 when Ferreira was forced to close due to a spiralling public liability insurance crisis that saw his premiums rise by 350%. He died that same year. Many were devastated to hear of its closure, and lots of petitions were signed in the hope that the City of Kwinana or Mark McGowan (Premier of Western Australia) would step in and help. The historic riding school, situated in the remote bushland of Wellard, is now a sight for sore eyes. All of the walls, windows and doors of every building are smashed, the grounds are littered with rubbish and there is graffiti everywhere. It’s hard to imagine it in its glory days when it was bustling with life. Perhaps it’s this remoteness and state of disrepair that attracted

An Abandoned School in Monkstown, Dublin, Ireland
This abandoned school was around the corner from my friend’s house and was so hidden, I only noticed it recently. The two of us popped in for a look around one day and had a bit of an adventure. Access was very easy as the school is tucked away in a residential area that’s known for anti-social behaviour so there isn’t any security around the area. All of the school buildings had been set on fire by the locals so unfortunately, there wasn’t much to photograph. However, we did enjoy a fun photoshoot at the Shag Pad! Previous Next Ireland Urbex

The Abandoned St. Mary’s Secondary School, Dublin, Ireland
This building had been a two-storey convent school for girls, erected in 1901. The number of attendees dwindled and it closed in 2007. Thankfully, I got in three days before the JCBs moved in on their prey and completely demolished it. The Department of Education plans on replacing the site with a new secondary school. Enjoy the photography slideshow below and don’t forget to follow Abandoned World Photography for regular urbex updates on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.