About Abandoned World Photography
Abandoned World Photography is a collection of rare, exclusive images that offer viewers a unique experience. The photographs and videos you see on this website are snapshots into the past where you can witness history frozen in time.
When choosing which buildings to photograph, I strive to visit historical places of public interest or meaning, such as abandoned hospitals and mental asylums, hotels, religious sites, and military ruins.
Feel free to contact me regarding urbex/urban exploration, press/media appearances, how to start off as a beginner urban explorer, or if you know of a vacant site that you would like to see photographed in your country,
About the Photographer

My name is Lainey Tess Quinn, the proud owner of Abandoned World Photography.
Urbex, otherwise known as urban exploring, has been my hobby and passion since 2012 when I first stepped foot inside an abandoned hospital and mental asylum in Ireland.
Since then, I have travelled far and wide around the world, seeking out the most historical ruins with my camera. The countries I have photographed in include Ireland, the UK, Australia, Spain, Thailand and Vietnam.
When I’m not traipsing through derelict sites, I’m a full-time digital marketing specialist.
What is Urban Exploration?

Urban exploration, also called “urbex”, means exploring abandoned sites, buildings, or man-made structures, and documenting the ruins or decay through photography and or videography.
If you are new to urbex, feel free to visit the Abandoned World Photography Urbex YouTube channel to get a taste of exploring abandoned buildings.
Why I Love Abandoned Photography
One question I get asked a lot is, “why do you like exploring and photographing abandoned buildings?”.
11 years on, the answer is still the same and I want to share it with you guys. In this section, I will explain why it’s my favourite hobby and hopefully inspire others to take it up too. It’s rewarding and beneficial for both your camera and mind!
Finding Abandoned Buildings
I love the process of finding abandoned buildings to photograph, especially ones that haven’t had a human step foot inside for decades.
Whether it’s finding them online or spotting them when I’m out and about, there are plenty of ways to find them. Facebook pages, online forums and other urbex websites are great for getting location ideas from and government websites are great sources of information too. Here’s an article I wrote on how to find abandoned buildings near you, check it out!
Exploring Places That I Never Knew Existed
The location of abandoned buildings often leads me to places I didn’t even know existed, many of which are in beautiful settings.
Larger buildings such as mental asylums, hospitals, industrial sites, mansions and prisons, will often be situated in remote places surrounded by mountains, forests or lakes.
I’ve gone on countless hikes that have lasted hours, just so I could find a safe entry point. This is definitely a highlight for me because I love being outdoors, walking or hiking and enjoying nature.
Embracing Fear and Challenging Myself
Once I find a safe entry point into an abandoned building and I start walking around inside, excitement, fear and adrenaline rushes through my veins. It sounds cliche but it makes me feel alive.
If I can’t get a buddy to come with me (which is most times), I explore the building alone and it’s almost like setting a challenge for myself each time – especially when I do a night-time explore!
Why not strengthen your mind if you have the chance?
Witnessing History Frozen in Time
Finally, the historical aspect of urbex is extremely unique and special.
Most of the buildings have a major role to play in history and sometimes the old architecture is still visible which is truly fascinating. I’ve been lucky enough to photograph buildings that date back to the 1200s!
In addition, some of the buildings still contain ancient furniture, artifacts and documents.
It’s a wonderful experience to witness history frozen in time and I feel like I’m documenting the past by capturing it in my photography and videos.
So you see, urbex is not about breaking into dilapidated buildings and spraying the walls with graffiti (not for me anyway!).
It’s a super exciting process involving research, exploration, history and photography.
For anyone who is curious and wants to try it out, feel free to check out my top tips for urbex beginners.
I’ve been wondering what kind of urbex opportunities there were in Ireland and here you are to tell me about them! I’m looking forward to more from you, you’ve got some locations I’d love to check out one day.